
Catalogue A-Z by Books

In addition to the books listed below, Spokesman also published a series of pamphlets by the Institute for Workers' Control,  the journal for END (European Nuclear Disarmament)The Spokesman and the Socialist Renewal Series.

Use the 'find' feature in your browser  to search for an author or a key word in a title. When you have found what you want, copy that entry and move to the Order page.

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African Socialism in Practice – Coulson (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 270 7

African Socialism in Practice – Coulson (ed.) - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 269 3

After Poland – Berlinguer - £5.95 pb – 0 85124 342 8

After Poland – Berlinguer - £10.00 hb – 0 8 5124 344 4

Against A Rising Tide – Read/Simpson - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 526 9

Against A Rising Tide – Read/Simpson - £20.00 hb - 0 8 5124 525 0

Agrarian Reform in Ethiopia – Rahmato - £6.95 pb – 93241 507 5

Agrarian Reform in Ethiopia – Rahmato - £17.50 hb – 93241 506 7

America’s Gulag  - Coates - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 691 5 (Spks 82)

An Alternative Labour List for Welfare  - Cates/Barratt Brown/Brown - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 619 2

Anti- Capitalism: The Social Economy Alternative – Chris Hill - £15.00 pb - 0 8 5124 658 3

An Assize on Unemployment? – Coates - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 554 4

Apocalypse Now? – Mountbatten - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 267 9

Apocalypse Now? – Mountbatten - £9.50 hb - 0 8 5124 296 0

Appointment in Cordoba – Coates - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 663 X (Spks 77)

Arms for Oil – Barratt Brown - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124  698 2 (Socialist Renewal 4:4)

The Attack - R. H. Tawney - £6.95 pb - 0 85124 312 6

The Awkward Warrior – Goodman - £9.85 pb - 0 8 5124 417 3

The Awkward Warrior – Goodman - £18.95 hb - 0 8 5124 409 2



The Battle Stalin Lost – Dedijer - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 238 3

A Better World is Possible – Coates - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 675 3 (Spks 74)

Bertrand Russell – Russell - £2.50 pb - 0 8 5124 017 8

Beyond Capitalist Planning – Holland - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 454 3

Beyond the Bulldozer – Coates/Silburn - £2.95 pb – 90203 143 0

Beyond Wage Slavery – Coates - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 177 8

Beyond Wage Slavery – Coates - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 176 X

Bevanism – Jenkins - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 322 3

Bevanism – Jenkins - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 273 1

The Blair Revelation – Coates/Barratt Brown - £6.99 pb - 0 8 5124 605 2

The Blair Revelation – Coates/Barratt Brown - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 604 4

Britain in Crisis – Hughes – 4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 312 6

Britain in Crisis – Hughes - £9.95 hb - 0 8 5124 317 7

Britain in the 21st Century – Gittings/Davies (eds.) – 10.00 pb - 0 8 5124 601 X

British Aid to India – Percy/Hall - £2.50 pb - 0 8 5124 479 3

British Labour and the Russian Revolution – Coates - £3.95 pb - 0 8 5124 078 X

British Labour and the Russian Revolution – Coates - £7.95 hb - 0 8 5124 077 1

The Broyd Papers – Burchardt (ed.) - £5.99 pb - 0 8 5124 602 8

Bugger Bognor – Barratt Brown – £2.00 pb - 0 8 5124 614 1

Bukharin: Selected Writings – Bukharin - £20.00 hb - 0 8 5124 275 8

Byron versus Elgin – Coates - £2.00 - 0 8 5124 617 6




Can the Workers Run Industry? – Coates (ed.) - £4.95 - 90174 030 6

The Captive Local State – Latham - £2.00 pb - 0 8 5124 651 6 (Socialist Renewal NS 6)

The Captive Party – Barrat Brown - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 645 1 (Socialist Renewal 2:2)

The Case Against War – Farebrother/Kollerstrom - £10.00 pb - 0 8 5124 692 3

A Case to Answer: Impeach Blair – Rangwala/Plesch - £5.00 - 0 8 5124 704 0

Case of Nikolai Bukharin – Coates - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 241 3

Case of Nikolai Bukharin – Coates - £9.95 hb - 0 8 5124 240 5

Challenging Rural Poverty – Kiros - £20.00 hb – 0 86543 019 5

China and the Bomb – Coates (ed.) - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 443 2

China and the Bomb – Coates (ed.)  - £10.00 hb - 0 8 5124 444 0

Civil and Academic Freedom – Coates (ed.) - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 105 0

Civil and Academic Freedom – Coates (ed.) - £10.00 hb - 0 8 5124 113 1

Class and Revolution in Ethiopia – Markakis/Ayele - £7.95 pb – 0 92341 505 9

Class and Revolution in Ethiopia – Markakis/Ayele - £17.50 hb – 0 92341 504 0

‘Collateral Damage ‘ or Unlawful Killings – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 641 9 (Spks 69)

Common Ownership – Coates - £5.99 pb - 0 8 5124 574 9

Common Ownership – Coates - £25.00 hb - 0 8 5124 573 0

Community under Attack – Coates/Barratt Brown - £6.99 pb - 0 8 5124 613 3

Community under Attack – Coates/Barratt Brown - £30.00 hb - 0 8 5124 612 5

Community Work in the 1990’s ­– Jacobs/Popple - £11.99 pb - 0 8 5124 569 2

Confessions of a Terrorist – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 660 5 (Spks 78)

Conversion: Can we Really Disarm? – Barratt Brown - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 516 1

Co-operatives that Work – Smith - £9.95 pb - 0 8 5124 462 9

Co-operatives that Work – Smith - £25.00

The Crisis of British Socialism – Coates - £10.00 hb - 0 8 5124 009 7

Crisis East and West – Gowan - £1.50 pam - 0 8 5124 609 5

Crisis in Korea – Gittings - £5.50 pb - 0 8 5124 187 5

Crisis in Korea – Gittings - £14.50 hb - 0 8 5124 186 7

The Crisis in Zaire – Nzongola-Ntalaja - £10.95 pb - 0 86543 519 6

The Crisis in Zaire – Nzongola-Ntalaja - £25.00 hb - 0 86543 023 3

Cromwell and Communism – Berstein - £15.00 pb - 0 8 5124 630 3

Crossroads in Africa – Davidson/Bronda - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 246 4

Crossroads in Africa – Davidson/Bronda - £9.95 hb - 0 8 5124 245 6

The Cutting Edge of Socialism – Bodington - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 332 0




Dark Times: Torture  - Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124  647 8 (Spks 81)

Dealing with the Hydra? – Coates - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 684 2

Dear Commissioner – Coates/Holland/Santer et al - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 592 7

Dear Commissioner – Coates/Holland/Santer et al - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 591 9

The Demilitarised Society – Melman - £5.50 pb - 0 8 5124 506 4

Democracy and Accountability in the Labour Party – Burnell - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 300 2

Democracy and Accountability in the Labour Party – Burnell - £10.00 hb - 0 8 5124 299 5

Democracy and Socialism in China – Su - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 343 6

Democracy in the Mines – Coates (ed.) - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 080 1

Democracy in the Mines – Coates (ed.) - £8.50 hb - 0 8 5124 079 8

Democracy on the Docks – Topham (ed.) - £4.95 pb – 0 90714 013 6

Democracy versus Capitalism – Barratt Brown - £1.50 pam - 0 8 5124 587 0

Democratisation and Reform in China – Su - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 457 2

Democratisation and Reform in China – Su - £20.00 hb - 0 8 5124 496 3

Depleted Uranium – Gut/Vitale - £7.99 pb - 0 8 5124 685 0

Deregulation: The Dismal Truth – Coates/McCubbins/Hughes et al - £2.00 pb - 0 8 5124 562 5

Dιtente and Socialist Democracy – Coates/Medvedev - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 227 8

Dιtente and Socialist Democracy – Coates/Medvedev - £14.50 hb - 0 8 5124 123 9

Deregulation, Disasters and BSE – Gifford - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 600 1

Disarming the New World Order – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 632 X (Spks 67)

Dodgiest Dossier - £4.00 pb - 0 85124 712 1

Dynamics of European Nuclear Disarmament – Myrdal - £7.50 pb - 0 8 5124 321 5

Dynamics of European Nuclear Disarmament – Mydral - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 320 7



Education for Peace – Hinde/Parry - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 513 7

Education for Peace – Hinde/Parry - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 512 9

Eleventh Hour for Europe – Coates (ed.) - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 309 6

Eleventh Hour for Europe – Coates (ed.) - £8.00 hb - 0 8 5124 308 8

Empire No More! – Coates - £11.99 pb - 0 8 5124 694 X

Empire No More! – Coates - £45.00 hb - 0 8 5124 700 8

Essays on Imperialism – Barratt Brown - £15.00 pb - 0 8 5124 024 0

Essays on Socialist Humanism – Coates (ed.) - £9.50 hb - 0 8 5124 047 X

Ethical Imperialism – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 625 7 (Spks 65)

Europe: An Ever Closer Union – Martin - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 538 2

Europe: An Ever Closer Union – Martin - £20.00 hb - 0 8 5124 537 4

Europe Can Afford to Work – Cripps/Ward - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 550 1

Europe Can Afford to Work – Cripps/Ward - £20.00 hb - 0 8 5124 551 X

Europe at Peace? – Palau (ed.) - £10.95 pb - 0 8 5124 519 6

The European Challenge – Gunder Frank - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 369 X

The European Challenge – Gunder Frank - £14.50 hb - 0 8 5124 369 1

European Full Employment Convention – Coates et al - £2.00 pb - 0 8 5124 622 2

European Imperative: Economic and Social Cohesion in the 1990s – Holland - £14.95 pb - 0 8 5124 557 9

Europe and NATO Expansion – Blackaby - £2.00 pb - 0 8 5124 599 4

European Recovery Programme – Coates/Barratt Brown - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 549 8

European Recovery Programme – Coates/Barratt Brown - £30.00 hb - 0 8 5124 539 0

Evolution of a European – Ford - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 561 7

Evolution of a European – Ford - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 506 9

Eyewitness in Hungary – Lomax - £12.50 pb - 0 8 5124291 X

Eyewitness in Revolutionary Portugal – Wise - £3.95 pb - 0 8 5124 133 6



The Fall of Jerusalem – Schleifer - £3.50 pb - 0 8 5124 062 3

The Fall of Jerusalem – Schleifer - £9.95 hb - 0 8 5124 065 1

Falluja: Shock and Awe – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 706 7 (Spks 84)

Fates Worse Than Death – Vonnegut - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 338 X

Feminism After Post-Feminism – Davies - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 598 6

Fighting Closures – Levie (ed.) - £15.00 pb - 0 8 5124361 4

Flame, Not the Ashes – Jospin - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 661 3 (Soc. Ren. NS 9)

Fraud at the Elections - Mawrey QC - £5.00 pb - 0 85124 708 3

Food, Poverty and Power – Buchanan - £8.95 hb - 0 8 5124 351 7

Freedom and Fairness – Coates (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 450 5

Freedom and Fairness – Coates (ed.) - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 440 8

Friendly Fire Whitewash – Macshane - £4.95 pb – 0 874379 009 1

From Tom Paine to Guantanamo – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 702 4 (Spks 83)

Fuelling the Fire: US Policy & Western Sahara Conflict – Kamil - £4.95 pb – 0 93241 523 7

Full Employment – Barratt Brown (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 218 9

Full Employment: A European Appeal – Coates et al - £10.00 pb - 0 8 5124 616 8

Full Employment for Europe – Coates/Holland - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 580 3

Full Employment for Europe – Coates/Holland - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 579 X

Full Employment in Europe: Second Convention for Full Employment – Coates - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 622 2

Full Spectrum Absurdity – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 686 9 (Spks 71)



The Game of Disarmament – Myrdal - £8.95 pb - 0 8 5124 306 1

German Social Democracy – Russell - £11.99 pb - 0 8 5124 571 4

German Social Democracy – Russell - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 570 6

Global Economy: From Meso to Macroeconomics – Holland - £12.95 pb - 0 8 5124 563 3

Global Economy: From Meso to Macroeconomics – Holland - £25.00 hb - 0 8 5124 623 0

Greece: From Resistance to Civil War – Sarafis (ed.) - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 290 1

Greece: From Resistance to Civil War – Sarafis (ed.) - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 289 8

Greek Science: Its Meaning for Us – Farrington - £15.00 pb - 0 8 5124 631 1



Hanging On By Your Fingernails – Dickenson - £4.25 pb - 0 8 5124 496 3

Has Man a Future? – Russell - £8.99 pb - 0 8 5124 638 9

Hazards of Nuclear Power – Medvedev, Zh - £3.95 pb - 0 8 5124 212 X

Head and Hand in Ancient Greece – Farrington - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 650 4

Hell-Hole Robben Island – Dlamini - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 401 7

Hell-Hole Robben Island – Dlamini - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 407 6

Heresies: Resist Much, Obey Little – Coates - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 356 8

Heresies: Resist Much, Obey Little – Coates - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 355 X

Higher Education for Everyone – Edwards - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 345 2

Higher Education for Everyone – Edwards - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 335 5

A History of British Socialism – Beer - £11.95 pb - 0 8 5124 408 4

Hong Kong: A Case to Answer – Hong Kong Research - £3.95 pb - 0 8 5124 092 5

Hong Kong: A Case to Answer – Hong Kong Research - £7.95 hb - 0 8 5124 093 3

How to Win? – Coates (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 330 4

Human Rights in the World – Coates - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 543 9

Human Rights in the World – Coates - £25.00 hb - 0 8 5124 542 0



Icarus or the Future of Science – Russell - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 696 6

Idle Hands, Clenched Fists: The Depression in a Shipyard Town – Kelly - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 446 7

Idle Hands, Clenched Fists: The Depression in a Shipyard Town – Kelly - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 436 X

Imagination in Power – Hoyles - £4.95 hb - 0 8 5124 058 5

Indigenous Peoples and International Organisations – van de Fliert - £11.99 pb - 0 8 5124 567 6

Indigenous Peoples and International Organisations – van de Fliert - £40.00 hb - 0 8 5124 566 8

Industrial Democracy in Great Britain (complete) – Coates/Topham - £18.00 hb - 0 8 5124 063 1

Industrial Democracy in Great Britain Vol. 1 – Coates/Topham - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 124 7

Industrial Democracy in Greta Britain Vol. 2 – Coates/Topham - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 125 5

Industrial Democracy in Greta Britain Vol. 3 – Coates/Topham - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 126 3

The Industrial Syndicalist – Mann - £9.95 hb - 0 8 5124 081 X

Inequality – Hughes - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 145 X

Inequality – Hughes - £8.00 hb - 0 8 5124 144 1

The International Significance of the Levellers – Benn/Wolf - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 633 8

Israeli Foreign Policy: South Africa and Central America – Hunter - £9.95 pb - 0 8 5124 485 5

Israel’s War in Lebanon – Lamb - £11.95 pb - 0 8 5124 432 7

The Italian Communists Speak for Themselves – Sassoon (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 199 9



Joint Action for Jobs – Coates (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 428 9

Joint Action for Jobs – Coates (ed.) - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 427 0

The Just Society – Coates (ed.) - £8.50 hb - 0 8 5124 181 6

Justice in Wartime – Russell - £14.99 pb - 0 8 5124 705 9




Kissinger’s Kingdom: A Counter Report on Central America – Holland/Anderson - £4.75 pb - 0 8 5124 403 3



The Last Frontier – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 644 3 (Spks 70)

The Left in France – Bell/Shaw (eds.) - £6.90 pb - 0 8 5124 350 9

The Left in France – Bell/Shaw (eds.) - £20.00 hb - 0 8 5124 349 5

The Lessons of Chile – Gittings - £6.95 hb - 0 8 5124 111 5

Let the People Think – Russell - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 677 X

The Levellers and the English Revolution – Brailsford - £18.00 pb - 0 8 5124 154  9

The Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and his own Words – Russell - £8.96 pb - 0 8 5124 680 X

The Life of John Wheatley – Hannan - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 497 1

The Life of John Wheatley – Hannan - £17.50 pb - 0 8 5124 487 4

The London Industrial Strategy – GLC - £10.00 pb - 0 8 5124 525 7

The Long Struggle of Eritea – Cliffe/Davidson - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 463 7



The Making of the Labour Movement: TGWU History – Coates/Topham - £15.00 pb - 0 8 5124 565 X

Man Makes Himself – Childe - £15.00 pb - 0 8 5124 649 4

Market Economy: From Micro to Mesoeconomics – Holland - £12.95 pb - 0 8 5124 564 1

Market Economy: From Micro to Mesoeconomics – Holland - £25.00 hb - 0 8 5124 624 9

Marxism and Reform in China – Su - £13.95 pb - 0 8 5124 547 1

Marxism and Reform in China – Su - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 546 3

The May Day Manifesto – Barratt Brown - £6.99 pb - 0 8 5124 615 X

Mercenaries – Halliday - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 197 2

Modernity and its Discontents – Bourne (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 482 3 (Voices Series)

Modernity and its Discontents – Bourne (ed.) - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 472 6 (Voices Series)

The Morphology of Debt – Barratt Brown/Coates - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 607 9

The Most Dangerous Decade – Coates - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 406 8

The Most Dangerous Decade – Coates - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 405 X

Multinational Companies & Nation States – Murray - £3.95 pb - 0 8 5124 139 5



National Frontiers & International Scientific Co-operation – Medvedev Zh - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 127 1

The New American Century – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 669 9 (Spks 76)

New Design for Nuclear Disarmament – Epstein ­- £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 192 1

New Design for Nuclear Disarmament – Epstein - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 191 3

New Direction in Pensions – Townsend/Walker - £1.50 pam - 0 8 5124 586 2

New Labour, New Democracy: One leader, all votes! – Coates - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 618 4

New Labour’s Aims and Values – Coates - £2.00 pb - 0 8 5124 585 4

New Labour’s US-style Executive Mayors – Latham - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 676 1 (Socialist Renewal 3:4)

The New Worker Co-operatives – Coates (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 147 6

The New Working Class – Mallett - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 131 X

Never Kneel Down – Firebrace - £7.95 - 0 8 5124 416 5

Ngambika – Davies/Graves (ed.) - £25.00 hb – 6543 017 9

Nightmares of Eminent Persons – Russell - £7.99 - 0 8 5124 629 X

No More Hiroshimas – Kirkup - £6.00 pb - 0 8 5124 689 3

Not Fit To Be Prime Minister? - Humphrys - £2.00 pam - 0 85124 709 1 - (Socalist Renewal 4:5)

The Nuclear Era – Jacobsen - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 347 9



On the Falklands War – Benn - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 339 8

On Mark Twain, Lincoln, Imperialist Wars & the Weather – Vonnegut - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 687 7

On Socialist Democracy – Medvedev - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 161 1

Opening and Innovation – Partido Rifondazione Communista - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 671 0 (Soc. Ren. 3:2)

Out of Crisis – Holland (ed.) - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 327 X

Out of the Ghetto: A Path to Socialist Rewards – Prior/Purdy - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 260 X

Out of the Ghetto: A Path to Socialist Rewards – Prior/Purdy - £10.00 hb - 0 8 5124 259 6



Perestroika: Global Challenge – Coates (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 502 1

Perestroika: Global Challenge – Coates  (ed.) - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 501 3

Physician, Heal Thyself – Smith - £3.00 pam - 0 8 5124 667 2 (Soc. Ren. 3:1)

Pig’s Meat – Selected Writings – Spence - £9.95 pb - 0 8 5124 424 6

Pig’s Meat – Selected Writings – Spence – 35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 315 0

Planning the Planners – Topham (ed.) - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124370 3

Political Economy of Human Rights Vol. 1 – Chomsky/Herman - £18.00 pb - 0 8 5124 248 0

Political Economy of Human Rights Vol. 2 – Chomsky/Herman - £9.85 pb - 0 8 5124 272 3

Political Economy of Human Rights Vol. 2 – Chomsky/Herman - £25.00 hb - 0 8 5124 271 5

Political Essays – Medvedev - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 228 6

Political Essays – Medvedev - £10.00 hb - 0 8 5124 151 4

Poor Health, Rich Profits – Heller - £3.95 pb - 0 8 5124 169 7

Poor Health, Rich Profits – Heller - £8.00 hb - 0 8 5124 168 9

Portraits from Memory – Russell - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 582 X

Portraits from Memory – Russell - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 581 1

Poverty and Peace – Coates - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 611 7

Poverty and the Forgotten Englishmen – Coates/Silburn - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 375 4

Poverty and the Forgotten Englishmen – Coates/Silburn ­- £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 396 7

Power! – Macshane - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 411 4

Power! – Macshane - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 410 6

Power and Humanism – Goldman - £6.50 hb - 0 8 5124 085 2

The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism – Russell - £7.00 pb - 0 8 5124 541 2

The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism – Russell - £20.00 hb - 0 8 5124 540 4

Privatisation? – Hastings/Levie - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 360 6

Privatisation? – Hastings/Levie - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 359 2

The Problem of China – Russell - £8.95 pb - 0 8 5124 541 2

The Problem of China – Russell - £30.00 hb - 0 8 5124 552 8

Psychoanalysis – Bourne (ed.)  - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 492 0 (Voices Series)

Psychoanalysis – Bourne (ed.) - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 491 2 (Voices Series)

Public Services or Private Profit? – Whitfield - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 653 2 (Soc. Ren. NS:7)

A Putney Plot? – Hain - £19.95 hb - 0 8 5124 471 8


Railtracks in the Sky – Reed - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 671 0

Readings and Witnesses for Workers' Control - Coates/Topham (Ed.) - £9.99pb - 0 85124 699 0

Redistribution: A Silent Counter-Revolution? – Barratt Brown - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 683 4 (Soc. Renewal 3:8)

Remaking the Working Class – Spencer - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 509 9

Remaking the Working Class – Spencer  - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 508 0

Repression in Latin America – Jerman - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 141 7

Repression in Latin America – Jerman - £8.00 hb - 0 8 5124 140 9

Resources and the Environment – Barratt Brown/Emerson/Stoneman - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 156 5 (Spks 32)

Right to a Home – Labour Housing Group - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 400 9

Right to a Home – Labour Housing Group - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 399 1

The Right to Work – Coates (ed.) - £6.99 pb - 0 8 5124 578 1

The Right to Work – Coates (ed.) - £30.00 hb - 0 8 5124 577 3  

Roads to Freedom - Russell - £9.99 pb - 0 85124 714 8

The Roof Over Your Head – Darke (ed.) - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 531 5

A Russian Voice on the War – Medvedev - £1.00 pam - 0 8 5124 634 6



Sabotage – Brown - £10.00 pb - 0 8 5124158 1

Safety First? – Gifford - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 652 4 (Soc. Ren. NS:5)

Satan in the Suburbs – Russell - £7.99 pb - 0 8 5124 628 1

Self-Management on Trial – Drulovic - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 232 4

Self-Management on Trial – Drulovic - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 231 6

Shop Stewards’ Guide to the Bullock Report – Coates/Topham - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 185 9

Shop Steward’s Guide to the use of Company Information – Gold - £4.95 - 0 8 5124 237 5

Shop Steward’s Guide to the use of Company Information – Gold - £8.50 hb - 0 8 5124 236 7

Shop Stewards Guide to Work Organisation – Hull - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 222 7

Shop Stewards Guide to Work Organisation – Hull - £8.50 hb - 0 8 5124 221 9

The Short Millenium – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 635 4 (Spks 68)

Social Costs of Business Enterprise – Kapp - £25.00 hb - 0 8 5124 637 0

The Social Charter & the Single European Market – Hughes - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 524 2

The Social Democrats – Coates - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 358 4

The Social Democrats – Coates - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 357 6

Social and Economic Writings – Mann - £7.95 ph - 0 8 5124 468 8

Social And Economic Writings – Mann - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 458 0

Socialism and the Environment – Coates (ed.) - £5.95 - 0 8 5124 242 1

Socialism and Parliamentary Democracy – Hodgson - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 207 8

Socialist Enterprise – Gilhespy - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 470 X

Socialist Enterprise – Gilhespy - £25.00 hb - 0 8 5124 460 2

Is Socialism Inseparable from Common Ownership? – Cohen - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 584 6 (Soc. Ren NS:1)

The Social Europe we Need – Blackburn/Brie/Coates/Beatty/Fothergill - £9.99 - 0 8 5124 703 2 (Soc. Ren. 4:3)

Solidarity – Macshane - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 318 5

Solidarity – Macshane - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 319 3

Solidarity for Survival – Thomson/Press - £19.95 hb - 0 8 5124 510 2

Sons and Lovers – Griffiths - £4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 334 7

The Speaker, the Commons and Democracy – Benn - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 639 7

Speak Truth to Power – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 655 9 (Spks 79)

Spreading the News- A Guide to Media Reform – Allun - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 498 X

Spreading the News- A Guide to Media Reform – Allun - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 488 2

Sri Lanka: Serendipity under Seige – Hyndman - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 477 7

Sri Lanka: Serendipity under Seige – Hyndman - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 446 7

Star Wars Starts Wars – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 - 0 8 5124 681 8 (Spks 72)

State Intervention in Industry – Coventry Trades Council et al - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 363 0

State Intervention in Industry – Coventry Trades Counicl et al - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 367 3

Steps Towards European Nuclear Disarmament – Myrdal/Sorsa – 4.95 pb - 0 8 5124 304 5

The Strangelove Doctrine – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 682 6 (Spks 80)

Straw Wars: Full Spectrum Sycophancy – Straw/Coates - £3.00 pam - 0 8 5124659 1

The Syndicalist – Mann - £12.00 hb - 0 8 5124 083 6



These are the Times: A Life of Thomas Paine – Griffiths - £15.00 pb - 0 8 5124 695 8

Think Globally, Act Locally – Coates - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 504 8

Think Globally Act Locally – Coates - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 503 X

The Third Way..or Feeding the Fat Cats – Barratt Brown - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 664 8 (Socialist Renewal Ns:10)

The Third Way to the Servile State – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 626 5 (Spks 66)

The Third Way… to Where? – Blair/Coates/Barratt Brown - £2.00 pam -  0 8 5124 650 8

Thurcroft: A Village in the Miners’ Strike – Gibbon/Steyne (eds.) - 0 8 5124 442 4 - Out of Print

Thurcroft: A Village in the Miners’ Strike – Gibbon/Steyne (eds.) - £25.00 -  0 8 5124 441 6

Time the Refreshing River – Needham - £9.95 pb - 0 8 5124 439 4

Time the Refreshing River – Needham - £20.00 hb - 0 8 5124 429 7

Timor – Twenty Years on – Coates (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 583 8

Together for a Different Europe – Manifesto of the European Left - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 690 7 (Soc. Ren. 4:1)

Tony Blair: The Old New Goes to War – Coates - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 679 6

Towards a More Equal Society – Donnison - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 646 X (Soc. Ren. 2:3)

Towards a New Bretton Woods – Holland - £14.95 pb - 0 8 5124 555 2

Towards a New Socialism – Cockshott/Cottrell - £13.95 pb - 0 8 5124 544 5

Towards a New Socialism – Cockshott/Cottrell - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 544 7

Trade Union Register 1 – Coates (ed.) - £14.50 hb - 0 8 5124 070 4

Trade Union Register 3 – Coates (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 132 8

Trade Union Register 3 – Coates (ed.) - £14.50 hb - 0 8 5124 057 7

A Trade Union Strategy in the Common Market – Coates (ed.) - £8.95 hb - 0 8 5124 032 2

The Transport Crisis in Britain – Bagwell - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 598 6

The Transport Crisis in Britain – Bagwell - £35.00 hb - 0 8 5124 597 8

The Trial of Slobodan Milosevic – Barratt/Brown/Herman/Patterson - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 693 1 (Socialist Renewal 4:2)



Urban Politics – Hayter - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 606 0

Un-Common Market: Capital, Class & Power in the EC – Holland - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 373 8

Un-Common Market: Capital, Class & Power in the EC – Holland - £15.00 hb - 0 8 5124 378 9

Universal Declaration of Human Rights- 50 yrs on – Coates - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 621 4

The United Nations and Its Future in the 21st Century - Mehta - £10.00pb  - 0 85124 707 3

The Unnecessary War – Belgrano Group - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 465 3

The Unnecessary War – Belgrano Group - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 455 6

Using Nukes – Papandreou/Lindh et al - £1.00 pam - 0 8 5124 674 5



Very Nice Work – Collective Design - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 431 9

Very Nice Work – Collective Design - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 430 0


Wales is Closed – Fevre - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 476 9

Wales is Closed – Fevre - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 466 1

War and Peace in the Gulf – Bhatia/Drθze/Kelly - £10.00 pb - 0 8 5124 640 0

War is Peace – Coates (ed.) - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 678 8 (Spks 73)

War or Peace in the Middle East – Duff (ed.) - £9.95 hb - 0 8 5124 213 8

The War on Terror Runs Amok – Coates - £5.00 pb - 0 8 5124 627 9 (Spks 75)

Welfare Reform: Means- Tested versus Universal Benefit – Grieve Smith - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 643 5

Whatever Happened to the Peace Dividend? – Thee - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 533 1

Where Blair is Wrong – Barratt Brown - £2.00 pam - 0 8 5124 608 7

Workers’ Control – Coates - £9.99 pb - 0 8 5124 688 5

Work-in’s, Sit-in’s and Industrial Democracy – Coates - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 278 2

Work-in’s, Sit-in’s and Industrial Democracy – Coates - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 277 4

World Disarmament – Huzzard - £5.95 pb - 0 8 5124 413 9

Writers and Politics – Bourne (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 493 9 (Voices Series)

Writers and Politics – Bourne (ed.) - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 483 1 (Voices Series)


Young Persons Guide to the Global Crisis – Barratt Brown – £9.00 pb - 0 8 5124 620 6

You’re Learning all the Time – Flynn (ed.) - £6.95 pb - 0 8 5124 448 3

You’re Learning all the Time – Flynn (ed.) - £17.50 hb - 0 8 5124 438 6

Yugoslavia: Rise and Fall of Socialist Humanism – Markovic/Cohen - £7.95 pb - 0 8 5124 129 8

The Yugoslav Tragedy – Barratt Brown - £4.99 pb - 0 8 5124 588 9

The Yugoslav Tragedy – Barratt Brown - £25.00 hb - 0 8 5124 590 0




IWC Pamphlets

All Pamphlets £2 each


1.     The Way Forward for Workers' Control. Hugh Scanlon
4.     Opening the Books. Michael Barratt Brown
10.   A Socialist Strategy in Western Europe. Ernest Mandel
11.    Soviets in Italy.Antonio Gramsci
19.   Bertrand Russell and Industrial Democracy. Ken Coates and others
31.   What Really Happened to the Coal Industry. Michael Barratt Brown
37.   Catching Up with the Times: How Far the TUC Get the Message About Workers’ Control. Ken Coates and Tony Topham
38.   Public Ownership and Democracy. Michael Barratt Brown and Stuart Holland
40.   Workers’ Control in the Mining Industry. Eric Varley
41.   The Flixborough Disaster. John Greyston
42.   Sit-in at Fisher Bendix. Tom Clarke
44.   A Hundred Years of Farmworkers Struggle. Joan Maynard
45.   Industrial Democracy. Tony Benn
46.   Why Imperial Typewriters must not close. Trade Union Action Committee
47.   Workers’ Control in Allende’s Chile. Andrew Zimbalist and James Petras
48.   Labour and the Slump. Tony Benn
49.  A Ten-year Industrial Strategy for Britain. Tony Benn, Frances Morrell and Francis Cripps
50.  Accountability and Industrial Democracy. Michael Barratt Brown and Ken Coates
51.  A New Course for Labour. Tony Benn
52.  Workers’ Control in Portugal. Report from Russell Commission
53.  Ashfield: What’s Going Wrong? Ken Coates
54.  Ford: Shop Stewards on Industrial Democracy. Bernie Passingham and Danny Connor
55.  Lucas: An Alternative Plan.
56.  A Reply to Arthur Scargill. Ken Coates
57.  The Cuts: Strange Arithmetic. John Hughes
59.  Industrial Democracy in Local Government. Mike Somerton
60.  Industry, Technology and Democracy. Tony Benn
61.  Industrial Development and Democratic Planning: The Case of Belvior. Ken Coates
62.  The Right to Know. Tony Benn
63.  A Shorter Working Week. John Hughes
65.  Democracy Versus the Circumlocution Office. The Lucas Aerospace Combine Shop Stewards’ Committee
66.  The Need for a Free Press. Tony Benn
67.  The Case for a Constitutional Premiership. Tony Benn
68.  The First Worker Co-operators: Proposals for Raising a College of Industry. John Hughes
69.  The Case for a Constitutional Civil Service. Tony Benn
70.  De-industrialisation. John Hughes
72.  The Case for Party Democracy. Tony Benn
74.  Poland: 1980.Tony Topham
75.  Arthurian Myth and Legend Re-considered. Tony Topham
76.  Towards Democratic Socialism. Eric Heffer MP
77.   How to Select or Reselect your MP. Chris Mullin and Charlotte Atkins
78.  Job Creation by the Council. Cllr Michael Ward
79.  Local Enterprise and Workers’ Plans. David Blunkett, Brian Davey, John Bennington, Mike George
80.  Some Lessons for Workers’ Co-ops. Denis Gregory
81.  Democracy in the Engineering Union. E & R Frow and Ernie Roberts MP
82.  Task Force against Poverty, Low Pay & Unemployment. Michael Meacher MP, Ken Coates and Walter Greendale
83.  Proportional Misrepresentation. Peter Hain & Geoff Hodgson
84.  Trade Unionism: A Strategy for the 1980’s. Tony Benn
85.  Fighting Privatisation: The Struggle for Wandsworth. David Benlow & Jan Scott
87.  Fighting Privatisation: The Victory in Gloucester.
88.  Trade Unions & Political Action. Ken Coates and Tony Topham
89.  Woman’s Lot: Political Purdah & The Labour Party. Anselm Eldergill
90.  Nowt for Nowt. John Hughes
91.   Socialism 21. Ken Coates
92.  1000 Hours by the Year 2000. Ken Coates, Ron Todd, Peter Glotz & Andre Gorz
93.  Europe 1992. Michael Barratt Brown
94.  One Big Union. Ken Coates and Tony Topham


Independent News Collective