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Robert Hinde

Spokesman Books | Robert Hinde

Robert Hinde

Robert Hinde

Robert A. Hinde CBE FRS FBA (26 October 1923 - 23 December 2016) was an RAF pilot in World War Two before training as a biologist. He subsequently carried out research in biology and the human sciences. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, the British Academy, the Royal College of Psychiatry, the US National Academy of Sciences, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He served as Master of St. John's College, Cambridge. Professor Hinde received awards for research in Anthropology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychiatry, Ethology, Primatology, and Zoology.

Professor Hinde was heavily involved in peace movements, particularly the Movement for the Abolition of War and the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.

<span style='font-size: 14px;'>My 'War'</span>My 'War'
By Robert A. Hinde

As soon as he could, at the age of seventeen, Robert Hinde volunteered for the RAF. After a frustratingly long period of training, he was assigned to Coastal Command, where he became a pilot flying Catalina and then Sunderland flying boats.

Upon his release in January 1946 he went to St. John's College, Cambridge to read Natural Sciences (Zoology). He then went to Oxford (Balliol College and the Zoology Department), where he did field work towards a D. Phil. under the guidance of David Lack and the newly arrived Niko Tinbergen. In 1950 he returned to St. John's College and the Zoology Department in Cambridge, where he helped William Thorpe establish an Ornithological Field Station (later named the Sub-Department of Animal Behaviour) in Madingley. Robert was awarded a Royal Society Research Professorship in 1963, and he set up an MRC Unit on the Development & Integration of Behaviour in 1971. From 1989-1994 he was Master of St. John's College, Cambridge.

After the war, Robert became heavily involved in peace movements, particularly the Movement for the Abolition of War and the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.

Price: £5.00

A4 size | 40 pages
ISBN: 978 0 85214 8554


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Our Culture of Greed</span>Our Culture of Greed
When is enough enough?
By Robert A. Hinde

Our society is not as it should or could be. Too many citizens lack the resources and opportunities they should reasonably expect. Somwhere to live may be hard to find or too expensive, and the cost of living has escalated. The wealth gap, aready too large, is increasing.

Our initial reaction is to change the government, pass new laws, or fiddle with the economic or fiscsal systems. Our Culture of Greed argues that such measures, though necessary, may never be enough. We must dig deeper and tackle the greed that is endemic in our society. Decisions must be based on their effects on others, not just ourselves. We must seek a new world-view where consideration of the good of others is central. The tools for this are already part of our nature, but we need a new orientation in order to use them.

Price: £9.99

134 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 085124 8462


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Changing How We Live</span>Changing How We Live
Society from the bottom up
By Robert Hinde

The shortcomings in our society need more than readjustments to our political, financial, and legal institutions. There must be a better regard for morality at every level, from individuals to government. This book explores the nature of our morality. It identifies how changes can be made so that each of us takes responsibility for looking after each other and our planet, and shows that a better society is within our power.

Robert Hinde served as an RAF pilot in World War Two before training as a biologist. He subsequently carried out research in biology and the human sciences. He has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, the British Academy, the Royal College of Psychiatry, the US National Academy of Sciences, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has served as Master of St. John’s College, Cambridge. Professor Hinde has received awards for research in Anthropology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychiatry, Ethology, Primatology, and Zoology.

Dominic Kirkham, Sofia, Easter 2013

Price: £8.99

132 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 8066


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Ending War: A Recipe</span>Ending War: A Recipe
By Robert Hinde

'Not this year, not in my lifetime, perhaps in yours, and with a strong probability in my grandchildren's lifetimes, war will be seen as an unacceptable way of settling disputes between states. The aim of this book is to hasten the day.'
Robert Hinde, British Pugwash Group

Robert A. Hinde was a Coastal Command Pilot, flying Catalinas and Sunderlands, in World War Two. After the war he workeded as a biologist/psychologist at Cambridge University. He was appointed a Royal Society Research Professor in 1963, and was Master of St. John's College, Cambridge from 1989 to 1994. He is Deputy Chair (recently Chair) of the British Pugwash Group, Patron of the Movement for the Abolition of War, and Patron of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness Programme. The British Pugwash Group is an affiliate of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, recipient of the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize.

Read a review of this title from MAW; Winter 2009

Price: £4.00

48 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 7595


<span style='font-size: 14px;'>Education for Peace</span>Education for Peace
Edited by Robert A. Hinde & Donald A. Parry

To achieve world peace it is necessary not only to resolve current disputes, but also to create a situation in which disputes do not arise. For this to happen, education must play a central role. It has to encompass the issues of competition and co-operation between individuals, groups and nations; the nature of peace and war and a proper understanding of history; the interdependence of nations; respect for diversity; human rights and freedoms.

Price: £6.99

104 pages | Paperback
ISBN: 978 0 85124 513 3



Spokesman Books | Robert Hinde

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